About The Historic Society
These are some of the projects that we do on a continuing basis.
Historic Building Preservation
Restoration, preservation, and maintenance of our historic properties is one of our prime focuses. We assist in the preservation of historic buildings by doing research and providing information necessary to have them listed in the National Registry of Historic Places.
We research, catalog, archive, and preserve historic documents, manuscripts and West Boylston artifacts. We curate collections for exhibits in person and online.
Education and Engagement
Educational Outreach is a vital part of our mission. We provide extensive information about our town's history, and publish informational brochures, pamphlets, books, and bi-annual newsletters. We also host free public programs and public tours of Bigelow Tavern.
We serve as a historical information source and respond to people who have questions about the town, it's history or a historic property. We keep genealogical records for some of the early families who settled in town.
Board of Directors
Steve Carlson - President and Historian
Beverly Goodale - Vice President and Curator
Kim Fisher - Secretary
Nancy Barakian - Treasurer
Sandy Carlson - Assistant Treasurer
Members at large:
Gerry Espe
Gerry Gomes
Sue Gomes
David Lindberg